why and how we manage

We believe that well-managed grazing is essential for ecologically functional rangelands and rural livelihoods.

We are dedicated to the following practices and principles, and we incorporate them wherever we work.


Holistic planned grazing

Planned grazing helps us manage complex human, land, and animal systems to achieve better performance and well-being for all. From prescriptive grazing to achieve specific ecological outcomes to long-term management of cattle in multi-thousand acre pastures, we adapt our tools and work to the goals at hand.


mindful stockmanship

We are lifelong students of animal behavior and stock handling, and work with our selves, our dogs, and our horses to handle livestock in ways that support their health and welfare.

photo by Lucy Ellis


attentive monitoring

We utilize a range of monitoring strategies to inform our management and help us sustain both range and riparian health.



We believe in being good neighbors to wildlife, water, and soil; to other producers and landowners, their animals, and our shared resources. We improve infrastructure and maintain equipment, help our neighbors, and leave places better than we find them.


Mobile management

Our tools, working animals, and homes are mobile, allowing us to responsively manage land with limited existing infrastructure.



Through our partnership with others in the industry, our relationships with environmental and livestock nonprofits, and our extended network of friends and family, we surround our work with many hands and minds, and grow new opportunities for others.


We have growing experience in erosion mitigation and watershed restoration strategies to help restore wetlands and bring biodiversity, productivity, and more functional water cycles back to working lands.


Working, together

We are currently based in northeastern New Mexico and south central Montana. We work with cow-calf and stocker enterprises. Our land and business partners are people who are committed to both environmental stewardship and sustainable economics.

If you represent a landowner, organization, or livestock company interested in exploring a new partnership or consultation to manage your land, or just want to connect, please reach out.